Thursday, October 10, 2013

     Let's see, does the American voting and non-voting public appreciate the historic nature of what our government is perpetrating on us?   I mean of course, the visceral rhetoric not withstanding between the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch,  all these government officials taking their paychecks and benefits and more and not getting the job done.   (Fiddling while Rome burns so to speak)

     Coherent citizens with intellect should be thinking about the precarious situation we find ourselves in with regard to the imminent threat to our way of life.   Some would say, "this too will pass".  And they might be right for this impasse and the associated consequences, but in the larger sense, if the resilient principles founded in individualism keep getting diluted by Liberalism, our freedoms will continue to be diminished until one day we will be asking "how could this have happened?"....  in The United States of America.